Parish councils (sometimes called town councils in larger areas) are democratically elected local authorities (and are nothing to do with the church despite what goes on in The Vicar of Dibley). They are the lowest tier of local authority in England. Next step up in this area is North Somerset Council. North Somerset Council looks after social services, highways and several other matters. Yatton Parish Council is an independent local authority and is in no way subordinate to or controlled by North Somerset Council.

Yatton Parish Council Annual Report 2019 here 

Yatton Parish Council Annual Report 2020 here 

Yatton Parish Council Annual Report 2021 here 

Yatton Parish Council Annual Report 2022 here 

Yatton Parish Council Annual Report 2023 here

Yatton Parish Council serves both Yatton and Claverham.

Yatton Parish Council has the 'general power of competence' which means (broadly speaking) that it can do anything that an individual can do. Yatton Parish Council currently does the following:

  • comments on all planning applications for properties within the parish (there is more on how the planning system works here)
  • maintains Glebelands (including the orchard wildlife area and the village green) and the Rock Road and Hangstones sports fields
  • maintains Hangstones Pavilion including a hall and meeting room available for hire, more details here
  • maintains a three children’s play areas in Yatton and Claverham (but not Horsecastle play area which is the responsibility of North Somerset Council) and the skatepark and BMX track on Hangstones field
  • maintains the Yatton Burial Ground (but not St Mary's churchyard which is the responsibility of North Somerset Council)
  • maintains the allotments in Mendip Road and North End (off Arnolds Way
  • maintains the War Memorial gardens in Rock Road
  • owns (jointly with Congresbury Parish Council) the top of Cadbury Hill including the Iron Age camp
  • operates 97 street lights.
  • provides and empties dog bins in Yatton and Claverham
  • organises and funds the Christmas lights display with some donations from business. Donations have not been invited since the pandemic or during times of economic crisis.
  • provides a grant to Yatton Youth Club which covers the costs of youth workers
  • makes grants to organisations working for the benefit of the community in Yatton and Claverham
  • comments generally on matters of concern in Yatton and Claverham such as road safety
  • works with neighbouring parish councils on matters of common interest
The Parish Council is responsible for the recreation fields at Hangstones and Rock Road in Yatton and Broadcroft in Claverham. They all have Public Protection Orders that exclude dogs from the sites. 

Hangstones Public Protection Order 

Rock Road Public Protection Order

Broadcroft Public Protection Order 

Yatton Parish Council has been awarded a Quality Award under the Local Council Award Scheme. The Quality Award, which is awarded by an independent panel, demonstrates that a council achieves good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement. Quality councils go above and beyond their legal obligations, leading their communities and continuously seeking opportunities to improve and develop even further.

Yatton Parish Council has signed up to Civility & Respect Pledge to demonstrate the commitment it has in championing the principles of the pledge in how it treats Councillors, the Clerk and all employees, members of the public, partner organisations and volunteers.  

Parish Councillors are elected at the same time, and in the same way, as North Somerset Councillors. The last elections were on 4th May 2023. There are 18 seats on Yatton Parish Council. Parish Councillors are unpaid and receive no allowance, although travelling and subsistence expenses are reimbursed and the Chairman can claim a small allowance for his expenses as Chairman. Contact details for all Councillors are here.

The Parish Council currently meets about every other month, normally in the evening. There are also committees of the Parish Council to handle the detail, and one committee in particular which comments on planning applications. They meet when convenient to members. All Council and committee meetings are open to the public, although the public may be asked to leave when confidential business such as appointment of staff is being discussed. There is a short period near the beginning of every Council and committee meeting where members of the public can make statements or ask questions.

The Parish Council elects its own Chairman (Chris Jackson elected May 2024) and a Vice-Chairman elected May 2024, Peter Lomas. Committees also elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

The Parish Council is a member of Avon Local Councils Association and the National Association of Local Councils, the Parish Council's Airport Association and the Campaign for Rural England (Avon).

The Council has a small number of employees, headed by the Clerk, Aleana Baird. Aleana holds the Certificate in Local Council Administration, the recognised  qualification for local council clerks. Aleana is assisted in the Parish Office by two part-time administrative staff, Jill Bradbury and Lucy Kehoe. The sports fields and other properties are maintained by our grounds men Jeff Shipway and Megan Thurgur and there are part-time village orderlies, Clive Fletcher for Claverham and Andy Warren for Yatton.

The Parish Office, in Hangstones Pavilion, Stowey Road, Yatton, is open to the public between 10 and 12.30 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Yatton Parish Council Freedom of Information Publication scheme is here 

The Parish Council's expenses are met by council tax payers in Yatton & Claverham. Your council tax bill includes an amount (called a 'precept') to meet the Parish Council's expenses. Details of how we have spent council tax payers' money are always available from the Clerk, and all payments over £500 are listed on our website Finance page.


Aleana Baird - Clerk to Yatton Parish Council