Meetings, Minutes and Agendas

Yatton Parish Council has appointed committees to take decisions on matters of detail. You can see the terms of reference of committees here. At the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 13th May 2024 Chris Jackson was elected as Chair of Council and Peter Lomas was elected as Vice Chair for the forthcoming year. Both the Chair and Vice Chair roles are voting members of all committees. The other members of committees are appointed by the Council each May. The Amenities & Properties Committee and Finance, Personnel & Administration Committee generally meet every other month. The Planning Committee meets as required to comment on planning applications.

Meetings are normally held at Hangstones Pavilion, Stowey Road, Yatton BS49 4HS at 7.30 p.m. 

Calendar of Meetings 2021-22 here
Calendar of Meetings 2022-23 here
Calendar of Meetings 2023-24 here
Calendar of Meetings 2024-25 here



You can find Minutes and Agendas for meetings by clicking on a committee you are interested below. Earlier Minutes and Agendas are available in the Parish Office. Agendas of future meetings will be posted here and are also posted on Parish Council noticeboards.

Minutes are initially published in draft form so that you can see them as soon as possible. Draft Minutes have not been approved by Councillors until the next meeting of the applicable Committee or Full Council.

This is the Parish Council Policy of the Filming and Recording of Meetings.  


Annual Parish Meeting

The 2024 Annual Parish Meeting was held on Monday 25th March 2024 at 7.00 pm. 

The presentation from the 2021 meeting is here

The presentation from the 2022 meeting is here

The presentation from the 2023 meeting is here 

The presentation from the 2024 meeting is here 


Full Council

Full Council sets out the Council's strategic priorities, discusses the Council's major projects (currently new allotments and a new cemetery, and road safety), approves any expenditure over £5,000 and appoints members to committees and as representatives on outside bodies. The Chairman of the Parish Council 2024-25 is Councillor Chris Jackson and the Vice Chairman is Councillor Peter Lomas.

Amenities & Properties Committee

The Amenities & Properties Committee looks after the Parish Council's properties including: Hangstones and Rock Road sports fields, Mendip Road and North End allotments, Glebelands and the adjacent orchard area, the village green, the Parish Council cemetery, the War Memorial, open space at Barberry Farm Road and Broadcroft field. 2024-25 Committee Chairman Robert Jenner Vice Chairman Steve Lister.

Finance Committee

The Finance, Personnel & Administration Committee looks after the Council's finances and administrative procedures, and makes grants to organisations working for the benefit of the local community. 2024-25 Committee Chairman Peter Lomas Vice Chairman Graham Humphreys.

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee makes comments to North Somerset Council on planning applications, and discusses other issues concerned with planning. 2024-25 Committee Chairman Steve Humphrey, Vice Chairman Robert Jenner.

Cadbury Hill Joint Management Committee

The Cadbury Hill Management Fund Joint Committee authorises expenditure on that part of Cadbury Hill jointly owned by Yatton Parish Council and Congresbury Parish Council, and carries out other duties required by law in respect of the financial management of the Cadbury Hill Management Fund. 2024-25 Joint Committee Chairman Jonathan Edwards. The other Committee members are Yatton Parish Councillors David Crossman, Graham Humphrey and Congresbury Parish Councillors Lizzie Bird, Guy March and Wendy Holland.