Appeal on land north of Rectory Farm, Chescombe, Road Yatton

Published: 19 June 2024


Site Address: Land To North Of Rectory Farm Chescombe Road Yatton

Description of development: Outline planning application for the development of up to 190no. homes (including 50% affordable homes) to include flats and semi-detached, detached and terraced houses with a maximum height of 3 storeys at an average density of no more than 20 dwellings per net acre, 0.13ha of land reserved for Class E uses, allotments, car parking, earthworks to facilitate sustainable drainage systems, orchards, open space comprising circa 70% of the gross area including children's play with a minimum of 1no. LEAP and 2no. LAPS, bio-diversity net gain of a minimum of 20% in habitat units and 40% in hedgerow units, and all other ancillary infrastructure and enabling works with means of access from Shiners Elms for consideration. All other matters (means of access from Chescombe Road, internal access, layout, appearance and landscaping) reserved for subsequent approval.

Application Ref: 23/P/0664/OUT
Appellant’s Name: Persimmon Homes Severn Valley Appeal
Reference APP/D0121/W/24/3343144 Appeal Start Date 28 May 2024
An appeal has been made to the Planning Inspectorate against our failure to issue a decision on an application for planning permission or approval within the appropriate period (normally eight weeks or thirteen weeks for major applications). The appeal will be determined on the basis of an inquiry.

The procedure to be followed is set out in The Town and Country Planning Appeals (Determination by Inspectors)(Inquiry Procedure)(England) Rules 2000, as amended. A formal inquiry conducted by a Planning Inspector will follow where expert evidence may be presented and witnesses are questioned. The Inspector will normally allow anyone else who is interested the right to speak.

For any group or organisation who wish to take an active part in the Inquiry, the opportunity is available to apply for what is known as Rule 6 status.
Although unusual, there is also scope for interested individuals to take part on the same basis. Rule 6 status means that you would be able to present your evidence on a formal basis and cross examine the evidence of others.
You can find guidance at the following link: Apply for rule 6 status on a planning appeal or called-in application - GOV.UK (
Arrangements for the Inquiry are currently being finalised by the Planning Inspectorate the date for appeal has been set for the 24th September 2024 and will last 8 days.

These will include a pre-Inquiry conference call with the lead parties to deal with procedural and administrative matters, including how the evidence will be heard.

 If, having read the above guidance, you wish to apply for Rule 6 status and/or have any related questions, you should contact the Planning Inspectorate immediately. If you are interested but are unable to access the guidance electronically, again, you should contact the Planning Inspectorate who will try and assist.
 If, having read the above guidance, you wish to apply for Rule 6 status it is essential that you contact the Planning Inspectorate immediately.
We will forward any comments you made on the planning application directly to the Planning Inspectorate, as well as the appellant. These will be considered by the Planning Inspector when determining the appeal. If you wish to make comments, or modify/withdraw your previous representation, you can do so online at

In deciding whether to provide further comments, you are advised that the appellant may have submitted additional evidence that you have not previously seen. Your comments can address such matters. If you do not have access to the internet, you can send your comments to: John Legg, The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN Tel: 0303 444 5244 

All representations must be received by 5 July 2024.

Any representations submitted after the deadline will not usually be considered and will be returned.
The Planning Inspectorate does not acknowledge representations.
All representations must quote the appeal reference.

Please note that any representations you submit to the Planning Inspectorate will be copied to the appellant and this local planning authority and will be considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal.
Your comments may be displayed on our website so please consider carefully what you say.
You should not include any personal information about an individual without first having received their express written consent.

When made, the decision will be published on-line at The appeal documents are available for viewing on our website via the planning application number.
If you do not access to the internet you may use the free internet terminals at these offices (09:30 – 16:30 Mondays to Thursdays, 09:30 – 16:00 Fridays).
If you require further information about the process of an appeal the Planning Inspectorate has a booklet entitled “Guide to taking part in planning appeals”, which is available free of charge from GOV.UK website at