M5 closure overnight 4th into 5th September 2021
Published: 24 August 2021
To follow on from my email below, I’m writing to confirm that the M5 closure will be in place between junctions 19 and 21 (east and westbound) from 10pm Saturday 4 September to 5am Sunday September 2021.
In addition, local road closures will also be in place on Caswell Hill and Caswell Lane. These overnight closures have been coordinated with National Highways (formerly Highways England) and North Somerset Highways to be in place during off-peak travel time.
To help plan journeys in advance of these temporary closures, we’ve written to residents and businesses. The attached information leaflet provides further details and includes maps of the diversion routes. Maps and up to date timings are available on our website hinkleyconnection.co.uk/traffic-management/.