New Green Waste Collection Service Update
Published: 06 May 2021
Sign ups and new bins
Over 38,900 North Somerset households have now signed up to the new annual chargeable garden waste collection service, with 1,500 requiring a bin as they were not previously registered for garden waste collections. This additional demand from new customers has been much higher than expected. Additional supplies of new garden bins, and sets of bags for those without access for a bin, are currently being delivered, with more on order.
Permits are sent out in batches each week. In the meantime, residents can continue to put out their garden waste as usual and it will be collected.
Stopping collections from households who haven’t signed up
Following initial issues with the sign up process, all garden waste has continued to be collected throughout April. However, from Monday 24 May, only garden waste presented by households who have signed up for the new service will be collected. In the two weeks leading up to this date, a hanger will be put on all garden bins presented by households who have not yet signed up, reminding them how to do this and warning that their garden waste will no longer be collected unless they sign up.
Home composting
Home composting is the cheapest and most environmentally friendly way to dispose of garden waste. Over 2,800 subsidised home composters have been bought through the website at and we are starting to explore community composting opportunities.
Thank you to all councils who have helped by sharing messages on your social media, website and in your community. Please continue to ask people to sign up online at where they can, as this is the quickest method.
If you’re in contact with a resident who’s unable to sign-up online, please ask them to call 01934 888 802 so they get straight through to the contact centre.