Policing & Neighbourhood Watch

Local policing and PACT

PACTs provide the recognised conduit between the Police and residents to identify issues of concern and to prioritise police activities relevant to local issues.

Until 2008, police involvement with local issues was through Neighbourhood Watch coordinators and Local Action Teams. The latter also being a forum for local issues relating to social concerns including traffic and antisocial behaviour. Following a police initiative to improve community relationships through their ‘Safer Stronger Neighbourhood’ campaign Neighbourhood Watch and Local Action Teams were amalgamated to form a combined point of contact with the police. PACTs (Partners & Communities Together) were formed as a result of this initiative.
You can see the PACT constitution here

The Yatton PACT meets on a regular basis with representatives from the police and local organisations including:

Parish Councillors
North Somerset Councillors
Youth Groups
Religious organisations

Neighbourhood Watch coordinators
Speedwatch representatives
Yeo Valley Lions

The meetings are open to all residents who are encouraged to bring their concerns on crime and disorder to the meetings.

The agenda for the next meeting on 11th March 2020 is below  

The dates, times and venue of meetings are given on the News page and details of meetings including agendas can be obtained from the secretary. Minutes of the last three meetings can be seen below.

PACT meetings identify police priorities for the Yatton Parish and these are given on the police web site here. Issues identified as police priorities receive preferential response for police intervention.

The Yatton Parish PACT committee elected at the 2017 AGM:

Chair/Vice Chair: As appointed at each meeting

Secretary: Mavis Monahan


Treasurer: Simon Reakes

Yatton Neighbourhood Watch

Area Co-ordinator: David Ford MBE

Tel / Fax 01934 830255

Neighbourhood Watch schemes are run by street co-ordinators who keep their members aware of issues reported to them by the Somerset Police Neighbourhood Watch Administration Officer.

These issues relate to local policing issues that could affect the community and to ask for help in identifying suspicious vehicles or persons.

Street co-ordinators have the option to hold residents meetings in their neighbourhood to discuss concerns with their PC beat manager.

Regular meetings with the police beat manager and PCSOs are held at PACT meetings and street co-ordinators are encouraged to attend PACTs to alert the police of local issues and concerns. This is the main opportunity for residents to raise concerns and to help prioritise police action.

Currently there are 23 street co-ordinators covering 450 properties in Yatton and Claverham. Not all residences within a street are members of a scheme but the following list includes those roads which have a street co-ordinator.

Anvil Road
Beech Road
Cadbury Farm Road
Claverham Road
Court Avenue
Durban Way
Dunsters Road
Elm Close

Grace Close
Hollowmead Close
Henley Lodge
Kenn Moor Road
Lodge Close
Macquarie Farm Close
Whitehouse Road

Shiners Elm
Mendip Road
Stowey Park (2)
Stowey Road (2)
Wemberham Lane
Westaway Close

Residents can be kept aware of local policing issues and for details of priorities raised at PACT and N.W. meetings by visiting the police website (https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk.). This site will also give details of the benefits and how to join Neighbourhood Watch schemes.

For more information on Neighbourhood Watch Schemes in the Yatton area please contact the area co-ordinator.